The Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law provides its members with valuable experience and exposure to myriad legal issues, which can help further their personal and professional development. The Journal seeks responsible and hardworking students eager to take on the commitment that membership requires.
The Journal selects a staff of approximately thirty rising second-year, third-year, LLM, and JSD students each year. As staff editors, students are required to complete two rounds of editing for each issue the Journal publishes. In addition, students are required to produce a ten-thousand-word Note, a piece of original scholarship considered for publication by the Journal. Importantly, if desired, the Note can also be used to satisfy the student’s upper-level writing requirement.
The Journal extends offers to those students who participate in the Write-On Competition (held at the end of the spring semester, once final exams have been completed). The Competition includes an editing assignment and the production of a short Note based on a uniform topic with a closed universe of sources. Prospective members of the Journal are also required to submit a statement of interest. From these materials, Journal members are selected anonymously based on writing and analytical skills, editing prowess, and interest in the Journal’s subject matter.
Students receive information about the entire Notre Dame Law School journal selection process and the Write-On Competition each year in April.
Volume 14 Journal Staff